$300.00 USD


Pulsor® Tree of Life

Dive deep into the mesmerizing intersection of Pulsors and the ancient Tree of Life! This all-encompassing course is meticulously crafted to lead you through the foundational tenets, advanced methodologies, and spiritual depths that define the Pulsor® Tree of Life realm.

Begin your journey with a solid foundation, understanding the essence of pulsers, their interaction with the human body, and the significance of angel testers. As you progress, you'll be introduced to the profound spiritual mapping of the Tree of Life, exploring the ten sphere rote and their intricate connections. Culminate your learning experience by delving into the advanced realms of the four worlds in Kabbalah, the hidden non-sphera Daat, and the transformative geometry of pulsers on the human body.

Key Takeaways:

  • Profound understanding of the Pulsor® system in the context of the Tree of Life.

  • Deep exploration into the Kabbalistic system, unraveling the mysteries of the ten sphere rote and their spiritual implications.

  • Mastery over advanced techniques that blend age-old wisdom with modern-day understanding.

  • A rich collection of downloadable resources to aid your continuous exploration and mastery.

Whether you're just stepping into the world of energy and spirituality or you're a seasoned expert, this course promises a transformative experience, merging ancient teachings with cutting-edge knowledge. Dive in and let the Pulsor® Tree of Life Mastery course illuminate your path to holistic understanding and practice.