The human body has several redundant systems and points that can be used to alleviate pain and discomfort and to facilitate healing. This Level One Workshop will cover the following:
- Chakra Clearing and chanting Words of Power
- The Importance of Grounding along with a Guided Visualization Exercise
- Detailed Review and Instructions for pertinent Trigger Points
- The Myofascial Energetic Length Technique (MELT)
- Sinus Points & Sphenoid Bone Reset
- Lymphatic Clearing (Gateways & Drainage)
- Realigning the Fascia
- Resetting the Nervous System
- Healing/Repairing the Aura
This workshop empowers you with simple yet profound healing techniques, enabling you to perform exceptional work on yourself and your clients.
What you'll receive:
- Unlimited access to the four-part workshop series
- Curated course materials in PDF format, which you can download for your conveneince
- A safe and supportive container to begin your transformative journey
Just login on to access your course anytime.